Sunday, September 18, 2005
Eczema Treatment: Avoiding Triggers - Soaps And Detergents
Soaps and detergents remove the natural 'oils' from the skin. This tends to make the skin dry and itchy, and more sensitive to irritants.
Therefore, avoid soaps, bubble baths, etc, when you wash. Instead, use a thick emollient (moisturiser) as a soap substitute and add an emollient to the a bath or shower. (See separate leaflet called 'Emollients (Moisturisers) for Eczema' for details.) Wear rubber gloves with a cotton lining when using detergents or working with other similar chemicals.
After you wash clothes with detergent, rinse them well. Some 'biological' detergents are said by some people to be irritating. However, there is little proof that commonly used detergents which are used in the normal way make eczema worse.
Therefore, avoid soaps, bubble baths, etc, when you wash. Instead, use a thick emollient (moisturiser) as a soap substitute and add an emollient to the a bath or shower. (See separate leaflet called 'Emollients (Moisturisers) for Eczema' for details.) Wear rubber gloves with a cotton lining when using detergents or working with other similar chemicals.
After you wash clothes with detergent, rinse them well. Some 'biological' detergents are said by some people to be irritating. However, there is little proof that commonly used detergents which are used in the normal way make eczema worse.