Friday, September 16, 2005
Eczema Treatment: Avoiding Triggers - Dry Skin
Moisturizers or emollients including bath oils, soap substitutes can be applied to the areas affected by eczema as frequently as required to relieve itching, scaling and dryness. Emollients should also be used on the unaffected skin to reduce dryness. Emollient therapy helps to restore one of the skin's most important functions, which is to form a barrier to prevent bacteria and viruses getting into the body and therefore help to prevent a rash becoming infected. Emollients are safe and rarely cause an allergic reaction. Occasionally, products with lanolin may cause a reaction. Ideally, moisturizers should be applied three to four times a day. Apply in a gentle downward motion in the direction of hair growth to prevent accumulation of cream around the hair follicle (this can cause infection of the follicle).