Saturday, July 30, 2005
Natural Treatment for Eczema
Making some changes around the home will also limit the sources of irritation that trigger your eczema:
Over-heating is a particular problem, particularly at night. Use cool, light bedding
Try using 100% cotton bedding and clothing when possible. It can be more comfortable against the skin.
Experiment with different washing powders/liquids - some make eczema worse.
Try to avoid pets – contact with fur and feathers can irritate the skin.
Keep fingernails short and if necessary, us cotton gloves or mittens at night to prevent scratching during sleep.
Some eczema sufferers are sensitive to the droppings of house-dust mites. Using special vacuum cleaners can control these microscopic creatures. Having hard floors and washing bedding frequently at high temperatures can also help.
Changes to diet may be effective for some eczema sufferers, if food has been identified as a trigger factor. Only do this with advice from your doctor or a dietician.
Over-heating is a particular problem, particularly at night. Use cool, light bedding
Try using 100% cotton bedding and clothing when possible. It can be more comfortable against the skin.
Experiment with different washing powders/liquids - some make eczema worse.
Try to avoid pets – contact with fur and feathers can irritate the skin.
Keep fingernails short and if necessary, us cotton gloves or mittens at night to prevent scratching during sleep.
Some eczema sufferers are sensitive to the droppings of house-dust mites. Using special vacuum cleaners can control these microscopic creatures. Having hard floors and washing bedding frequently at high temperatures can also help.
Changes to diet may be effective for some eczema sufferers, if food has been identified as a trigger factor. Only do this with advice from your doctor or a dietician.