Monday, February 14, 2005
Dangers of Elidel and Protopic
Government scientists, concerned that two prescription creams used widely for a common skin condition may increase the risk of certain cancers, especially among children, will propose adding strong new warnings to the product labels.
A handful of cases of cancer have been reported among adults and children using the creams, sold under brand names Elidel and Protopic,and animal and laboratory studies suggest the drugs could be to blame, according to a new Food and Drug Administration analysis."The evidence raises serious safety concerns in children regarding the potential for carcinogenicity in humans treated with these agents,"wrote Jean Temeck of the FDA's division of pediatric drug development in a recommendation posted late yesterday on the agency's Web site.
A handful of cases of cancer have been reported among adults and children using the creams, sold under brand names Elidel and Protopic,and animal and laboratory studies suggest the drugs could be to blame, according to a new Food and Drug Administration analysis."The evidence raises serious safety concerns in children regarding the potential for carcinogenicity in humans treated with these agents,"wrote Jean Temeck of the FDA's division of pediatric drug development in a recommendation posted late yesterday on the agency's Web site.